An Inter-departmental quiz programme named “Q FIESTA” was conducted in the Department in February 2018 and the winners were given cash prize.

The Department organized a felicitation program in January 2020 to honour three M Com students, Gopika Babu (II M Com), Sufaira K ( I M Com) and Faiza K (I M Com) who qualified UGC NET 2019 while pursuing their Post Graduation.

The Department organized a quiz program on 15th November 2022 as part of 69th All India Co-operative Week Celebration. More than 25 teams participated in the quiz program and Ms. Anjali K and Ms. Sreya V (II B Com Co-operation) won the first prize.

The Department organized a seminar “ Co-operative sector in Kerala in the current scenario- its relevance, opportunities and challenges” on 17th November 2022 as part of 69th All India Co-operative Week Celebration. The seminar was inaugurated by Dr. P M Ismael (Principal, Taliparamba arts and Science College) and the seminar was lead by Mr. Satheesh Kumar K (Senior Auditor, Co-operative Department, Taliparamba). The first prize winners in the co-operative quiz program were awarded cash prize and memento by the resource person.